
How to fill out your ‘From this business’ section on Yelp

Customers come to Yelp with a need—a trustworthy contractor, a last-minute caterer, a nail salon in their neighborhood—but they rarely have a specific business in mind. In fact, 8 out of 10 searches on Yelp don’t include business names. This means when a customer lands on your page, they likely don’t know who you are or what you stand for.

The “From this business” section of your Yelp Page gives you the opportunity to tell that story in your own words directly to potential customers.

It consists of three parts: Specialties (what you do best), History (your business story), and Meet the owner/manager (what you love most about running your business)—displayed to users on your Yelp Page under the header “About the Business.”

This is the place to let your personality shine and share your passion directly with your customers. In fact, “From this business” is one of the top five ways customers connect with businesses on Yelp—in the month of August 2023 alone, over 8.5 million users clicked the “read more” button to expand the field and learn more about local businesses.*

As a bonus, the key terms you use in this section give you more organic visibility on Yelp, helping customers find you based on the information you provide.

How do I do this? Log in to your Yelp for Business account, click on the Business Information tab, then scroll down to “From this business.”

Below, find tips, examples, and prompts to help you craft the best response for each of the three fields and ultimately get more visibility for your business on Yelp.

How to write this section and when to update 

“From this business” can help you connect with customers searching for businesses like yours, so it’s important to keep this information accurate and updated. Consider refreshing this section a few times a year in case you have new services or seasonal specialties to highlight. 

Use these tips for writing your “From this business” section:

  1. The more info you can give, the better. This is your opportunity to share your story, mission, and expertise with visitors to your Yelp Page.
  2. Write conversationally, the way you would speak to a customer. Be friendly, clear, and inviting.
  3. Get specific about all the things you do, but avoid writing what you don’t do, since Yelp will show your page to customers searching for any keywords you mention.
  4. Be yourself! This is the place for you to show off your passion, your personality, and your secret sauce as an entrepreneur—the things that set you apart from others and make your business special.
  5. Include different information in each of the three subsections. If you’re feeling stuck or unsure where to start, try using these prompts.


What makes your business unique? What sets you apart from the competition? This free-form text box (15-1,500 words) is the place to dive deeper into your products or services and highlight your competitive advantage—the little details and signature touches that help you stand out.

Specialties is also an important tool for organic visibility on Yelp since the terms and phrases you enter in this section help customers find you when searching for a business like yours. Filling out this section with keywords that resonate with your target market can help you turn those prospective customers into leads, but avoid listing out repetitive keywords. Some search engines will detect and penalize you for keyword stuffing—plus, it’s more effective to focus on making a memorable first impression with customers. According to a Yelp study, businesses that add Specialties to their Yelp Page can receive up to 30% more page visits.** 

And that’s not all: If your business does not have any recommended reviews yet, the first few lines of your Specialities will be displayed when your business appears in search results. This means that Specialties is one of the first things customers will see as they browse the list of relevant businesses—so it’s important to make it count.

Think about what would catch a customer’s attention while they’re shopping around for products or services. If you own a spa, do you offer complimentary drinks while your guest gets pampered? If you run a moving company, do you have an on-time guarantee? Does your auto shop offer complimentary pick-up and drop-off so patrons don’t have to wait? These are the personal touches that surprise and delight customers and keep them coming back. 

Miriam Fried, a personal trainer and owner of MF Strong, uses Specialties to show how she stands out from others in the industry and appeals to customers who may not feel comfortable in a traditional fitness environment. She also uses keywords, such as “injury prevention” and “size-inclusive training,” to reach users searching for the kind of service she provides.

“I was able to take all of these things I’d already written about the business and just adjust to make sure it was really focusing on what we do offer—so inclusivity, welcoming, positive, weight inclusive, all of those types of things, just to make it really clear in case someone is searching for that,” Miriam said. “Or if they’re not searching for it, and they’re just searching for personal training, they can click through [my Yelp Page] and be like, ‘Oh! That’s amazing. That sounds great.’”

Remember: Use Specialties to highlight what makes your business unique and share what you do best, instead of simply listing out products and services. To get more specific about the individual services you offer, use the Services Offered section.

Did you know? If you choose to expand your reach even more with Yelp Ads, the text you write in your Specialties field can help you seamlessly create an ad to get more leads. Learn more about getting started with Yelp Ads.


History is not just about your background—it’s an opportunity to tell a story that inspires customers to shop with you (in 50-1,000 words). Sharing your origin story, your mission, and your motivation for starting the business can help them feel excited and energized about supporting you. It’s the same reason many Yelp users leave reviews: to feel connected to businesses they believe in. 

Start by adding the year you were established. If you’re a new business, show you’re trustworthy by emphasizing your training, expertise, or connection to the community. For example, Elk Rapids Marina, established in 2021, writes in its History field: “The new ownership and brand of this company may only be a few years old, but the marina has a long, rich history dating back generations. We have just taken the old and brought new life to it.”

Next, set the scene and the stakes. Did you start your business with a partner? Did you take it over from a family member? Did you open during the pandemic and survive against all odds? 

Maybe your business has been in your family for generations, like florist Saville Flowers, or maybe you started your business to address a specific need in your neighborhood or right a wrong in your industry.

However you got here, and whatever motivates you, share that journey with customers. Yelp users love supporting local businesses and family-owned operations, so don’t miss the opportunity to make that connection from the moment they land on your Yelp Page. 

Yelp users are also invested in supporting businesses that align with their values and communities, such as Black-owned businesses and businesses championing sustainability. If your culture, background, or values are part of your founding story or business mission, consider sharing that here.

For example, Christin Brown opened Full Spiral Salon with her wife Ashe after realizing Black women had few options for hair care in their small town. Christin writes in her History field: “As curly women who love their hair, we felt it was important to help others fall in love with their curls, waves, or whatever grows naturally from their crowns.”

Meet the owner/manager 

In the “Meet the owner/manager” field, tell your customers who you are and what you’re passionate about (in 15-1,000 words). Include your name and photo to help them get to know the real you—or you can choose to feature your business manager instead.

What gets you out of bed each morning? What do you love about running your business? It might be greeting your customers, working with your team, or creating a customized product. 

For dog groomer Josh White, it’s spending time with clients’ dogs at his business Dogue Spa and seeing the excitement on people’s faces when they meet his own poodle, Snow. In his Meet the owner field, he emphasizes his connection to animals so clients know they’re trusting their dogs with someone who cares. 

Think of this section as an elevator pitch introducing yourself to prospective clients. Precious Williams, founder and CEO of the training service Perfect Pitches, advises business owners to use engaging anecdotes when introducing themselves and their business: “It could be your origin story. It could be the time you noticed a gap in the marketplace. What’s different or special about you?” 

Koji Tamura, whose restaurant Osaka’s made Yelp’s Top 100 Burgers in America list this year, uses his Meet the owner section to share his personal connection to the business and his journey from Osaka, Japan, to Boulder, Colorado.

While not every business owner wants to be the center of attention, telling your story can deepen your connections with customers. If you show them your personality and your values right away, customers can also assess if you’re the right fit for each other. 

Consider it the handshake at the end of your elevator pitch. As Clinton Jones, owner of the salon Magnum Opus, said: “The way you shake people’s hands [today] is you present yourself on platforms such as Yelp, and you let people click and find out who you are on your own terms.”

‘From this business’ prompts

Not sure where to begin with your “From this business” section? Answering these questions can serve as a guide to help you fill it out.


  • What do you do exceptionally well? “We’re a hair salon that specializes in alternative cuts and color, from mullets and mohawks to vivid colors that make you feel like your most vibrant self.”
  • What sets you apart from the competition? “We provide every client with one-on-one service and a thorough consultation so we can make sure you’re getting exactly what you want for your hair in a joyful, unhurried atmosphere.”
  • What special services do you offer to surprise or delight your customers? “Looking to make a big change? Book a ‘Transformational Cut’ with our senior stylists, who will strategize with you every step of the way. Plus, champagne is on us so you can celebrate your new look in style.”
  • Do you have any local recognition or awards for your services? “Yelpers trust us for curly fringe and curtain bangs, which were recently named ‘Best Bangs in Cincinnati’ for 2023 by Midwest Magazine.” 
  • How do you want customers to contact you for your services? “Message us on Yelp, call us, or visit our website to book an appointment today!” 


  • How long have you been in business? “Pedal Power Bike Garage has been serving the Houston, Texas, community for five years with exceptional customer service and full-service bike repair.”
  • What’s your business origin story (i.e., why did you start your business)? “As a group of women bike mechanics, we never felt safe or welcome in the bike shop—so we decided to open a shop of our own.” 
  • How did you get to where you are today? “Since our early days cycling and working in bike shops across Texas, we vowed to do things differently by making customer service a crucial part of the Pedal Power experience.”
  • How does your culture, background, or community fuel your business? “Our shop is owned and operated by women who provide top-notch service while also educating clients on proper bike maintenance and repair.”
  • What is the motivation or mission behind your business? “Our mission is to ensure that everyone feels empowered in the bike shop—from the moment you set foot in our lobby to when you’re pedaling away with our complete satisfaction guarantee.” 

Meet the owner/manager 

  • How do you introduce yourself to customers, partners, or investors? “The founder and head baker at Loaves of Love, Julien Yoon is a two-time James Beard Award semi-finalist who believes freshly baked bread is the world’s warmest greeting.”
  • What do you love about running your business? “They love making recommendations to new customers, dreaming up unique flavor combinations, and making each sourdough loaf sour-er than the next.”
  • What makes you, the business owner or manager, uniquely qualified to meet your customers’ needs? “As a longtime Chicago resident, Julien bakes loaves inspired by the flavors of their Lakeview neighborhood to give every customer a delicious slice of home.” 

*Yelp Internal Data, 2023, based on the number of connections made on Yelp between August 1 and 31, 2023.
**Yelp Internal Data 2022. Based on a study of unreviewed claimed businesses. Average results within 90 days of claiming a business page. Study conducted between September 1, 2021 and April 30, 2022. Results may vary.

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